So while the rest of you are reading about Dark Reign and whatever Norman Osborn is doing (and what would be awesome is if he turned out to be a Skrull this entire time and the real Norman Osborn is still dead, but whatevs), I will be hanging out reading the coolest story of the summer: LOCKJAW and the PET AVENGERS! The first comic comes out tomorrow and is only $2.99 (I can't even buy a can of Tecate for that much!)
OK, seriously, how could you not find this the coolest book ever? It's got Lockjaw! Frog Thor! And Niles! I hope that somewhere in the story they give a plot line about how Niles got out of being Penitent Puss and booked it from Penance (Deadpool and GLI Summer Fun). Oh, maybe it will be a heartbreaking back story about how he had to leave Robbie, and there's a cute little kitten written note? Anyone else remembering those Kinko's ads with the copy cat?
Ooooh, and I really hope there's a lot of drool shots. I'm a dog freak (not that kind of freaking), and I seriously love drooly dogs. Lockjaw is my idea of a dream dog: Four or five feet tall, moisture coming out of at least one orifice, looks like he's in a constant state of ennui, can teleport me to the closest bar, and has a totally bitching hogan 'stache....actually, that might be my description of a dream boyfriend...
It's a horseshoe mustache, dammit!